- The Board of Directors includes nine members.
- The executive management includes four members.
- Office staff.
A – The Board of Directors consists of nine members, who have the right to vote, and are chosen as follows:
- Co-chairmanship of the Cash and Payments Office. Deputy Joint Presidency for Payments Affairs.
- Deputy Joint Presidency for Oversight and Regulations Affairs.
- One of the co-chairs of the Finance Authority.
- One of the co-chairs of the Economic Authority.
- Three experts in finance, monetary and macroeconomic affairs.
B – The joint presidency of the Monetary and Payments Office and the two deputy presidency shall be appointed by the General Council, upon a proposal from the Finance Authority.
C – The members of the Board of Directors appointed in accordance with Paragraph (B) of this Article and one of the co-chairs of both the Economic Authority and the Finance Authority shall select the experts on the Board of Directors.
1-maweya endamtiya her endamekî di Encûmena rêvebir de pênc sal in.
2-endamên Encûmena rêvebir bi rêza kronolojîk tên erkedarkirin.
3-endam dikarin ji carekê zêdetir postê bigirin
- Determine monetary policies and supervise their implementation by management and employees.
- Adopting the rules, decisions and guidelines issued to be implemented by the office.
- Approving all reports and recommendations submitted by the office to the Autonomous Administration.
- Providing recommendations to self-administration institutions regarding the participation of the Central Monetary and Payments Office in technical consultations with international organizations.
- Approval of the office’s internal system.
- Determine the structural organization of the office.
- Approval of the appointment of the Office’s Inspector General.
- Appointment of management staff to the office.
- Establishing and closing branch offices affiliated with the office.
- Determine the accounting policies of the Central Monetary and Payments Office and approve the periodic reports and financial statements of the office.
- Determine the office budget and the terms and conditions of employment of employees, agents and correspondents in the office
- Make a decision regarding the incurrence of debts by the Central Monetary and Payments Office and the terms and conditions of this debt.
- Determine the asset classes that should be suitable for investing the financial resources of the Central Monetary and Payments Office.
- Approval or rejection of applications for licensing banks, exchange offices and companies, and shops trading in precious metals.
- Cancellation of banking licenses and licenses for exchange offices and companies and trading in precious metals.
- Appointing an independent external auditor for the annual audit work in the office.
- Establishing Board of Directors committees that have key supervisory responsibilities over specific aspects of the office’s work, such as auditing and risk management.
- Reviewing quarterly reports and other reports issued by offices, and reports issued by the Inspector General.
- Determine the reserves of hard currencies and metals, and the mechanisms and justifications for disposing of them.
No person may be a member of the office’s board of directors if:
- This person was an official or employee of a bank with offices in the Autonomous Administration areas.
- He was a beneficial owner of 5% or more of the equity in a bank.
- Member of the Executive Council of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (with the exception of one of the co-chairs of both the Finance and Economic.
- Commissions that are members of the Board of Directors based on the provisions of Monetary Office Law No. 9 dated 2021.
- Member of the General Council of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.
- The provisions of ineligibility and removal were applicable to him in accordance with Article (21) of the Monetary Office Law No. 9 of 2021.
1-serokatiya hevbeş an jî yek ji wan dê serokatiya civînên Encûmena rêvebir bike, di dema ne amedebûna wan de, cîgirê serokatiya hevbeş a karûbarê diravdanê serokatiya wan dike û di dema ne amedebûna wî de ,cîgirê serokatiya hevbeş a çavdêrî û rêxistkirinê serokatiyê dike.
2- Encûmena rêvebir bi qasî ku karê nivîsgehê pêwîst dike, herî kêm mehê carekê dicive, civîn li ser vexwendina serokatiya hevbeş pêk tê û li ser daxwaza nivîskî ya du endamên Encûmena rêvebir jî dikare were lidarxistin.
3- dîrok, cîh û rojeva civînê hrî kêm berî pênc rojên kar ji roja ku ji bo civînê hatiye diyarkirin tê ragîhandin , di rewşên awerte de dibe ku civîn di demek kin de bên li darxistin
4- hejmara qanûnî ya rêvebirina kar di çi civînê de, herî kêm ji pênc endamên encûmenê pêk tê û biryarên encûmenê bi piraniya endamên amede tê pejrandin û dibe ku bên lidarxistin û dengdan bê kirin di rêya teknîka peywendiya dîtinî an amûrên peywendiyê yên elektronî û pejirandî
5-bi berçavgirtina pêdiviyên hejmara qanûnî yên di xala (4) a vê bendê de, nabe ti kiryar an karê ku ji hêla Encûmena rêvebir ve hatî derxistin bê betal kirin bi tenê ji ber ku di Encûmena rêvebir de valahiyek an valahî hebin
6- hemî kiryarên ku ji hêla endamê Encûmena rêvebir ve tên kirin wekî kesekî ku bi dilpakî tevdigere derbasdar tên pejrandin , tevî ku pêvajoya erkedarkirina wî kesî an bikêrhatinbûna wî piştre kêmasî di nav de hebin.
1. The minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors shall remain confidential, and the Board of Directors may make the results of its deliberations public on any subject, and all its decisions on public policy matters shall be published promptly.
2. The minutes of each meeting of the Board of Directors are signed by the co-chairing or presiding director, the secretary and the members of the board of directors present.
3. The Secretary of the meetings of the Board of Directors shall be appointed from among the senior staff of the Office by a decision of the Co-Chair, and shall be assigned to attend all meetings of the Board, keep all records of the Office and perform other functions as set forth in Article (13) of this Statute, and the Secretary may not be a member of the Board of Directors.
1. Arranging Board meetings, preparing and sending invitations, and organizing the agenda of Board meetings.
2. Writing minutes of meetings, preparing the resolutions issued by the Board of Directors, preparing, editing, printing, auditing, signing and distributing relevant correspondence drafts duly.
3. Provide the relevant authorities with their own decisions.
4. Provide the members of the Council with the decisions issued by the Council.
5. Record, index, save and document all correspondence and resolutions related to the work of the Board of Directors
The co-chairmanship is appointed by the General Council upon a recommendation from the Finance Commission for North and East Syria.
The Co-Presidency shall perform the following tasks:
1. The co-chairmanship of the office shall be the executive management of the Cash and Payments Office and shall be responsible for the day-to-day business of the office.
2. The Co-Presidency is accountable to the Board of Directors for the implementation of its decisions, and for directing and overseeing the management and operations of the Office.
3. All powers not specifically allocated to the Board of Directors, and may take all actions required or recommended for the management or operations of the Office.
4. Entering into contractual obligations on behalf of the Bureau with the approval of the Board of Directors.
5. Approving the appointment of employees, undersecretaries and correspondents in the office based on the recommendation of the vice presidents and directors of directorates.
6. Representation of the office in general.
7. Delegate some powers to other employees with the approval of the Board of Directors.
8. In the absence of the co-chairmanship or inability to carry out its duties for any other reason, the deputy co-chair for payment systems shall replace it, and in the event of his absence, he shall be transferred to the deputy co-chair for control and regulations, and he shall serve as the chief executive officer of the office.
The Deputy Co-Presidency for Payment Systems shall be responsible to the Bureau, and after consultation with the Co-Presidency shall have the powers to take enforcement measures with regard to the development and control of payment systems owned and managed by the Monetary Bureau or those owned and managed by payment service providers from banks and non-banks from other banking institutions , and his duties include:
1. Chairs the meetings of the Board of Directors in the absence of the co-chairmanship.
2. Achieving the elements of efficiency and security in payment systems.
3. Work to minimize payment risk.
4. Contribute to the development and modernization of the infrastructure of payment systems and raise the level of security in them to facilitate the provision and introduction of various and modern electronic services in a way that contributes to achieving financial inclusion in all areas of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria and ensuring easy, safe and fair access to all segments of society for various financial and electronic services, especially marginalized and poor groups in remote and remote areas in order to benefit from banking and financial services and achieve easy and fair access to them.
5. Contribute to strengthening the legal framework for payment systems managed by the Monetary Office to keep pace with the development of the comprehensive legal environment to cover all modern payment systems and provide the legal framework governing their work.
6. Contribute to the implementation of the strategies and general objectives of the Monetary Office in achieving financial and monetary stability in a way that leads to achieving economic growth and welfare in the areas of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.
7. Contribute to leading the change, development and modernization management processes for payment systems development projects in the Autonomous Administration areas of North and East Syria by playing the role of catalyst and encourager.
8. Commitment to the application of international standards and best practices that govern the operation of payment and settlement systems by adhering to the principles of financial markets and important payment systems issued by the Bank for International Settlements, the World Bank and ISCO.
9. Contribute to the preparation of instructions, policies, procedures and special circulars that regulate the work of electronic payment systems , their application, follow-up implementation and compliance by all members of the national payment systems.
10. Representing the Office in internal and external meetings related to payment systems with the authorization of the co-chair.
11. Carry out all the work entrusted to him by the co-presidency.
The Deputy Joint Presidency for Control and Organization shall be responsible to it, and after consultation with the Co-Presidency, he shall have the powers to take the measures and procedures to be taken in the affairs of control and organization of operations in the Office provided for in the Law of the Monetary Office or other laws, and his duties include:
1. He shall chair the meetings of the Board of Directors in the absence of the co-chairmanship and the Vice-Chair for Payment Systems.
2. Be directly responsible for the control and organization systems in the office, reviewing its reports and evaluating its performance.
3. Contribute to achieving the objectives of the Monetary Office of achieving the stability of the banking system in the areas of self-administration.
4. Take all required measures and procedures in the field of control and regulation after consultation with the Co-Presidency.
5. Representing the Office in internal and external meetings related to the field of control and organization with the authorization of the co-presidency.
6. Carry out all the work entrusted to him by the co-presidency.
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Banking and Remittances
Payment systems
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Banking and Remittances